Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tis’ the Season

December rolls around and all the mayhem and craziness about the holidays seem to impact us all. I was in line waiting to pay for lunch the other day when I overheard a customer say to another, “You cannot not have a tree! It won’t be Christmas”. What the hell did that mean? I guess for this lady Christmas only came if you had a tree.... I so wanted to turn to her and say” Honey I know plenty of things that come without a tree and yes there is allot of Oh Jesus, Oh My God involved”. That’s the extent of my religious beliefs!

Speaking of and without getting all religious on everyone, December is indeed dominated by several denominational holidays. From Bodhi Day to Hanukkah, Santa Lucia Day to Al Hijra to Christmas we seem to identify with all of them. But I set all that aside and think of what it really means and it’s about giving. OK dirty people I’m not talking about blow jobs in a back alley on a Saturday night next to CP’s. Although I think I’ve done that a few times...but I was drunk and he said he liked me! What was I saying? Giving. Well ok giving and receiving during the holidays works as well... Again, I know exactly where you're all going with this so let’s just get it out of the way now shall we.
Some of us like to give. Some of us like to receive. Some of us figure if we give a little we will get allot and then there are others that just want it. Sort of like I’ll kiss you and you can blow me. Or I’ll have sex with you if you pay for brunch!

Enough of that! So I reflected upon the year just passed and thought about my friends and co workers and the community. I hope I was able to give enough this year? I worked hard, I played just as hard and I tried to make the community we all take part in a better place. Could I have done more? I’m sure I could have. With more resources, more money, more people but I’m happy with what I did. And what did I receive in return? A thank you! Thank you from allot of you, from friends and family and co workers. That has meant more to me than any gift or card.

Too many people give in order to receive more or get noticed or whatever it is, they want something in return. I just give because I have a passion for things I do.

So however you may celebrate this December do it with the intention of giving something to someone. Whether you give your spot in line for the person who only has “one item to pay” or let the person drive out who’s been waiting forever to get by or even send a card or an email to someone you haven’t spoken to in a long time. Do it not to get something out of it just do it because you want to.

My favourite day in December is the 21st. Many of you may find this odd. It is of course Winter Solstice. For me personally it marks the beginning of the lengthening of days into summer. Ironically it is the shortest day of the year (sun wise) but I always feel like it’s a new beginning. That in this mad crazy world we live in there is always a new day.
A new day to discover and learn something new... and that for me is the best gift of all!

Big old Bear Hugs
Mr. Ottawa Bear 2009

1 comment:

  1. Great posting as usual Gary, and my favourite day is the 21st of December too for exactly the same reasons.
